Honestly, just stop it.
Locking us into a particular build system is simply wrong. Say if a particular popular open source project uses Maven and I want to integrate it into a build system based off of ANT? No luck without a stupid amount of work.
Want to find the actual library a project is using so you can root around inside it? Good luck with that.
Compatibility issues between different versions means that I have to wipe my local repository when switching between two large projects (which I do frequently)... How is this saving me time again?
I have no problem bundling a build system with a project (it would be stupid not to) but Maven isn't just a build system, it's a dependency management system as well. If I was frothing at the mouth more, I'd call it a dependency obfuscation system...
Please, please, please... and I'm looking squarely at you Apache. If you must use Maven, include an alternative method of building the project for the rest of us.
Yes, Maven Sucks. I don't care what anyone else says. My policy is that if a company that I work for uses maven, that I assume no responsibility for all of that over-engineering to work.